Education Opportunities for Parents at Horizons
Computer skills unlock career pathways, expand educational opportunities, and help families navigate online resources as they’re working to improve their situation. Our partners at JVS Boston, with funding from PWC Charitable Foundation, help bring these skills to Horizons parents by offering frequent computer courses in which parents can enroll and participate conveniently while onsite at Horizons.
The curriculum covers basic computer skills, such as typing, using the internet, sending email, composing documents, and using a shared platform like Google Classroom. Each participant completes the course with a formatted resume and a Chromebook to take home to build on the basic skills they learned in the course.

The end of each course is celebrated with a small graduation ceremony. Parents are given the opportunity to share a bit about what they learned and celebrate with a delicious feast of their choosing!
Horizons also offers other courses that give parents the opportunity to learn and grow, including parenting courses like Brazelton Touchpoints and Circle of Security, as well as ESOL Courses, and more. Parental success is the greatest indicator of their child’s future success. Learn more about Horizons two-generation model, here.