Inside our Family Partnership Program​

Our Family Partnerships Program is designed to help families identify and develop their personal strengths in order to take an empowered and knowledgeable approach to navigating the often frightening and frustrating experience of homelessness.

Horizons Two-Generation Model: Learning and Growing Together

Horizons uses a two-generation model to support families experiencing homelessness. We understand that children grow and learn in the context of families and larger communities. Many early education programs focus on the child’s growth, without providing support to help parents achieve long-term success. Similarly, education and workforce development programs usually limit their child-focused work to assistance with securing childcare. Two-generation programs intentionally focus on the whole family, providing integrated and simultaneous services designed to promote family stability.

Family Mobility Coaching

When all families enter Horizons, they are assigned a Family Coaching Specialist (referred to as a Coach).  The Coach uses a Mobility Mentoring®-informed coaching model (developed by Boston-based Economic Mobility Pathways and adapted for Horizons) to engage in a structured coaching process which includes: 

Assessment: the Coach uses a detailed family profile and Pathways to New Horizons methodology to begin to get to know the family across five domains: 

  1. Family Stability (Housing and Child/Family Stability)
  2. Wellbeing (Physical/Emotional Wellbeing and Social Networks), 
  3. Education and Training, 
  4. Employment and Career
  5. Financial (Savings and Debt).

Goal Setting: Based on what emerges from the assessment process, parents and Coaches work together to identify and prioritize goals, and to break them down into actionable steps. Horizons uses progressive goal setting, where each goal builds on the ones that came before.

Coaching: Unlike traditional case management, coaching focuses not on solving immediate problems but on supporting the development of skills and strategies that support long-term sustainability. The parent takes the lead, with the Coach encouraging reflection about what has gone well and ways to overcome obstacles to goal achievement. The goal is for parents to leave Horizons with the transformational tools they need to continue their progress.

Recognition: To recognize the hard work required to achieve impactful goals, Horizons provides both monetary and non-monetary recognition when parents make progress. This evidence-based approach has proven successful in maintaining and achieving growth.

"I was assigned to a Coach when we started at Horizons. I was happy to have her by my side working with me every step. She’s helped me set goals to go back to work and to pay down my debt. When I work, I put that money toward my debt. It takes discipline."

Building Knowledge, Skills, and Community

Our beautiful building on Columbus Avenue in Roxbury serves as a hub for activities. In partnership with other organizations, Horizons offers on-site English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes, computer classes, and career navigation services. The Family Partnerships Program team develops and implements workshops that align with all domains of the Pathways to New Horizons methodology. Parents are able to expand their social networks and build community by participating in shared activities such as the Parent Council, Horizons Dads’ Group, and groups held in Spanish and Haitian Creole.