Nan yon misyon pou mete fen nan fanmi sanzabri

Konbat efè sanzabri vin tounen yon misyon ki pi plis peze ak kritik lè timoun yo patisipe. Orizon pou Timoun sanzabri ap dirije batay la nan Massachusetts pou ede soulaje chòk ak estrès sanzabri sou tou de timoun ak fanmi yo nan bay bon jan kalite edikasyon bonè, opòtinite enpòtan pou jwe, sipò pou paran, ak defans enpòtan sou non kèk nan sitwayen ki pi majinalize nou yo. 

Sipò ou fè travay nou posib!

Sèvis nou ofri pou fanmi ki sanzabri

Edikasyon bonè

Our state of the art high-quality early education program is the only one of its kind in Massachusetts. We provide full-time, year-round early education to 232 infants, toddlers and preschoolers who live in shelter in Greater Boston. The program, rich in STEM and literacy curriculum, is free of charge to families who qualify and prepares vulnerable children so they enter kindergarten ready to learn. 

Èd - Sipò pou Paran yo

Every parent of a child in our early education program is enrolled in our Family Partnerships Program and has the opportunity to work with a Family Coaching Specialists who serves as a coach and accountability partner. Parents work with the support of their Family Coaching Specialists to set and achieve goals in the areas of family stability, health and wellbeing, financial management, education and training, and employment and career.

Jwe nan abri

Horizons enstale epi kenbe chanm zanmitay timoun yo rele Playspaces nan abri fanmi atravè Massachusetts. Chanm sa yo fèt pou reflete bezwen timoun ki gen laj 0-6 ki gen laj 0-6 ki gen chòk epi yo se yon kote dedye pou timoun yo jwe, grandi, ak bati koneksyon ak granmoaj k ap pran swen ki pran swen siksè yo. Granmoun k ap pran swen sa yo se manm kò volontè Dedye Horizons yo, chak manm ki resevwa fòmasyon ak angaje yo ke yo te yon enfliyans pozitif nan lavi timoun ki gen sanzabri.


Efò defans Horizons yo ede asire efò òganizasyon an pwolonje pi lwen pase timoun sa yo ak fanmi yo te sèvi dirèkteman. Orizon travay pou chanje politik piblik nan fason ki leve fanmi yo soti nan povrete ak kraze sik la nan sanzabri.


Patnè ak Andòsman

Horizons fyè yo dwe rekonèt ak sipòte pa òganizasyon sa yo dedye a pèfòmans eksepsyonèl, transparans ak responsablite nan yon san bi likratif.